
神秘弥撒 (352.8k DXD)

神秘弥撒 (352.8k DXD)
神秘弥撒 (352.8k DXD)



最新发行专辑方面,丹麦国家交响乐团、格莱美奖获得者、古典回声奖获得者马库斯·奎迪(Marcus Quidie)指导下,计划将两位不熟悉的20世纪大师的作品呈现给观众:弗兰克·马丁(Frank Martin)和博胡斯拉夫·马丁(Bohuslav Martin)。除了相似的姓氏外,两人几乎没有共同之处。对于出生在瑞士的弗兰克来说,当他听到巴赫对马修的热情时,他开始了他在音乐事业上的突破。他的音乐语言受到了广泛的影响,包括文艺复兴时期的复调、田兴美的声调、勋伯格的十二音制,但都受到巴赫的影响。相比之下,温文尔雅、国际化的博赫斯拉夫则像一只风格独特的蝴蝶,已经很晚了。很容易听到印象派和斯特拉文斯基成熟风格的新古典主义,但在他最辉煌的时刻,马丁转向民俗(音乐),这也启发了他的同胞莱奥什·亚纳切克

With regard to the latest release album, the Danish National sound Orchestra, Grammy Award winner and classical echo award winner, under the guidance of Marcus quiddie, plans to present the works of two unfamiliar 20th century masters to the audience: Frank Martin and Bohuslav Martin. Apart from their similar surnames, the two have little in common. For frank, who was born in Switzerland, when he heard Bach’s passion for Matthew, he began his breakthrough in music career. His musical language has been widely influenced, including the Polyphony of the Renaissance, the tone extended by hindmi Tian, and Schoenberg’s twelve tone system, but all of them are influenced by Bach. In contrast, the gentle and cosmopolitan Bohuslav is like a butterfly with a unique style, which is late. It’s easy to hear Impressionism and Stravinsky’s neoclassicism in his mature style, but in his most glorious moment, Martin turned to folk custom (Music), which also inspired his compatriot, leosh yanachek
At the heart of the album is Martin’s outstanding masterpiece, the double choir mass. The work was originally completed in 1926, but Martin was not allowed to play it until 1963. After the premiere, he explained, “I feel that personal expressions of religious belief should be kept confidential and not known to public opinion.” Thanks to Martin’s decision to share his secrets; his mass has become one of the most influential works of the 20th century for the Capella choir.


  1. Mass for Double Choir 1.Kyrie 324M
  2. Mass for Double Choir 2.Gloria 386M
  3. Mass for Double Choir 3.Credo 389M
  4. Mass for Double Choir 4.Sanctus 305M
  5. Mass for Double Choir 5.Agnus Dei 313M
  6. 4 Písne o Marii (4 Songs of Mary), H. 235 No. 1. Zvìstování (The Annunciation) 127M
  7. 4 Písne o Marii (4 Songs of Mary), H. 235 No. 2. Sen (The Dream) 133M
  8. 4 Písne o Marii (4 Songs of Mary), H. 235 No. 3. Snídaní Panny Marie (Breakfest of the Virgin Mary) 215M
  9. 4 Písne o Marii (4 Songs of Mary), H. 235 No. 4. Obraz Panny Marie (Portrait of the Virgin Mary) 295M
  10. Ariel (Shakespeare: The Tempest) No. 1. Ariel’s Song, “Come unto these yellow sands” 100M
  11. Ariel (Shakespeare: The Tempest) No. 2. Full fathom five 225M
  12. Ariel (Shakespeare: The Tempest) No. 3. Before you can say, Come and Go 68M
  13. Ariel (Shakespeare: The Tempest) No. 4. You are three men of sin 286M
  14. Ariel (Shakespeare: The Tempest) No. 5. Where the bee sucks, there suck 76M
  15. Romance z pampelišek (Romance of the Dandelions), H. 364 793M




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