Bellezza Crudel – VIVALDI [352.8kHz DXD]

2L-056 Vivaldi-Bellezza Crudel (Tone Wik,Barokkanerne)/24bit/192khz

2L-056 Vivaldi-Bellezza Crudel (Tone Wik,Barokkanerne)/24bit/192khz
2L-056 Vivaldi-Bellezza Crudel (Tone Wik,Barokkanerne)/24bit/192khz


码率: 352.8kHz/24bit

18世纪的威尼斯像是今天好莱坞与拉斯维加斯的共同体,是一个可以把欧洲富豪们聚集在一起的场所。这些富豪热衷于带着面具观赏那时红极一时的 ’艺术喜剧‘(Commedia Dell’arte),很多精彩的清唱剧和协奏曲随之诞生;维尔瓦地作品中真诚的音乐表达与强烈的音乐情绪代表了当时戏剧音乐的魅力,值得聆听。

Venice in the 18th century is like the community of Hollywood and Las Vegas today. It is a place where the rich in Europe can gather together. These rich people were keen to wear masks to watch the popular “Commedia dell’Arte” at that time, and many wonderful oratorios and Concertos were born. The sincere music expression and strong music emotion in vilwadi’s works represent the charm of the drama music at that time, which is worth listening to.


  1. Che giova il sospirar, povero core, cantata for voice, strings & continuo, RV 679: Recitativo
  2. Che giova il sospirar, povero core, cantata for voice, strings & continuo, RV 679: Aria: Nell’aspro tuo periglio
  3. Che giova il sospirar, povero core, cantata for voice, strings & continuo, RV 679: Recitativo
  4. Che giova il sospirar, povero core, cantata for voice, strings & continuo, RV 679: Aria: Cupido, tu vedi
  5. La farfalletta s’aggira al lume, cantata for voice & continuo, RV 660: Aria: La farfalletta s’aggira al lume
  6. La farfalletta s’aggira al lume, cantata for voice & continuo, RV 660: Recitativo
  7. La farfalletta s’aggira al lume, cantata for voice & continuo, RV 660: Aria: Vedrò con nero velo
  8. Bassoon Concerto, for bassoon, strings & continuo in E minor, RV 484: Allegro poco
  9. Bassoon Concerto, for bassoon, strings & continuo in E minor, RV 484: Andante
  10. Bassoon Concerto, for bassoon, strings & continuo in E minor, RV 484: Allegro
  11. Se ben vivono senz’alma, cantata for voice & continuo, RV 664: Aria: Se ben vivomo senz’ alma
  12. Se ben vivono senz’alma, cantata for voice & continuo, RV 664: Recitativo
  13. Se ben vivono senz’alma, cantata for voice & continuo, RV 664: Aria: Nella tua guancia amorosa
  14. Recorder (Flute) Concerto, for recorder or flute, strings & continuo in C minor, RV 441: Allegro non molto
  15. Recorder (Flute) Concerto, for recorder or flute, strings & continuo in C minor, RV 441: Largo
  16. All’ombra di sospetto, cantata for voice, flute & continuo, RV 678: Recitativo
  17. All’ombra di sospetto, cantata for voice, flute & continuo, RV 678: Aria: Avezzo non è il core
  18. All’ombra di sospetto, cantata for voice, flute & continuo, RV 678: Recitativo
  19. All’ombra di sospetto, cantata for voice, flute & continuo, RV 678: Aria: Mentiti contenti


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